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  • Breaking Dawn Part 2: Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart’s) Biker Boots


    Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of the Twilight Saga.  I liked the first book and the first movie – although laughed at some real awkward scenes of Edwards which were so over the top – but worth it for the laughs (even if that wasn’t their intention).  However I have enjoyed the casual outfits that Bella has worn throughout the Movies, and after watching the last one, will try and get some of her outfits up on her, or atleast some similar ones.

    This is a promo picture for Breaking Dawn Part 2, of Bella, Edward and Renesme (is that how its spelt?) and these are (… i think) the cute grungy biker boots she wears! They look awfully close to the pair shes wearing but the “tongue” of the shoe has confused me and it’s hard to tell from this photo.

    You can buy them HERE for only $49.99. Reduced from something crazy like $190!


    Hey I'm Chloe and I created ShopYourTV back in 2011 after leaving Uni for semester and being incredibly bored. My favourite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Shameless and The Office - which aren't always the most fashionable but I'm always committed to covering as many TV Shows as possible!

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