- Show: Dois às 10
- Episode: 08-12-2023
- Brand Product : Bárbara Cabral Moreira 'As Dicas Da Sorrialista'
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Fnac – 17,90 €
- Description: At what age did you discover this book? She's considered the MotherGyver of Instagram, and the title couldn't make more sense: Bá, better known as Sorrialista, knows all the tips and life hacks to make everyday life easier! Who knew it was so easy to dose olive oil with your own lid, wash grease-filled plastic bins with cold water or make a mirror water-repellent using just toothpaste? From Instagram to this book, Sorrialista has put together 360 unmissable life hacks that will make your life easier! "I hope you find this book useful. I hope you can give it to your friend who will love knowing that she doesn't have to throw away her broken blush, or to your dad who will be surprised by all the tricks he didn't know about, to your mom who will be thrilled with the storage tips, to your sister who needs ideas for entertaining the kids, or even to your grandma who will say she already knew all the tricks in this book!"
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