Hey I'm Chloe and I created ShopYourTV back in 2011 after leaving Uni for semester and being incredibly bored.
My favourite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Shameless and The Office - which aren't always the most fashionable but I'm always committed to covering as many TV Shows as possible!
Where can I buy the black short sleeved T-shirt with the silver & gold bobbypins all over it? Mary wore it on “Fast Food Fixes”, season 1, episode 9 from 11/6/31.
Thanks for your help.
Blog Comments
Barb Burksaitis
November 6, 2022 at 1:03 pm
Where can I buy the black short sleeved T-shirt with the silver & gold bobbypins all over it? Mary wore it on “Fast Food Fixes”, season 1, episode 9 from 11/6/31.
Thanks for your help.