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  • Actor: Kyle Richards
  • Show: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
  • Episode: 12x07 - "Ship-Faced"
  • Brand Product : Fendi O'Lock Mini Camera Bag
  • Buy:


  • Get it second hand: eBay


Hey I'm Chloe and I created ShopYourTV back in 2011 after leaving Uni for semester and being incredibly bored. My favourite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Shameless and The Office - which aren't always the most fashionable but I'm always committed to covering as many TV Shows as possible!

Blog Comments

Where did she get the sparkly shirt?

Need to know where the shirt is from!!

Where did her sparkly top come from?
It’s amazing!!!!!

Please tell us where to find her sparkly top – thanks!

I came here for the top! I didn’t even notice the purse! I’ve been on the hunt for this blouse!

The Fendi is fine, but where can I get the black, sheer sparkle shirt?????
Merci beaucoup!

Yes do you know where her black mesh top came from ?? We all want to know! Can you reveal it? Do you know? Please let us know either way!

Yes!! The shirt, blouse is amazing!! I came here for that too 👏👏💕💕🥳🥳

Please post who made the shirt. Where to buy it? Most amazing.

Where can i buy Kyle s sparkley skirt?

Dying to know where that sparkly top is from! Stunning

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